Murder In Mesopotamia (Book Review)

  • Title: Murder In Mesopotamia
  • Author: Agatha Christie
  • Name of Series: Hercule Poirot
  • Genre: Crime Novel
  • Release Date: 6 July 1936
  • Publisher: Collins Crime Club (6 July 1936)
  • POV: 1st Person
  • Rating


When Amy Leatheran travels to an ancient site in the Iraqi desert to nurse the wife of a celebrated archaeologist, events prove stranger than she has ever imagined. Her patient’s bizarre visions and nervous terror seem unfounded, but as the oppressive tension in the air thickens, events come to a terrible climax – in murder. With one spot of blood as his only clue, Hercule Poirot must embark on a journey across the desert to unravel a mystery which taxes even his remarkable powers.

⚠️ Triggers⚠️

  • Death/ Murder
  • Drinking and Drug Abuse
  • Racism
  • Domestic Abuse

My Igniting Review


“You know, doctor, I’m afraid I might tend to be – well, a little personal sometimes.”

“God bless my soul, woman, the more personal you are the better! This is a story of human beings – not dummies! Be personal – be prejudiced – be catty – be anything you please! Write the thing your own way. we can always prune out the bits that are libellous afterwards!”

📖 My View

Hey fellow bookworms! 📚 Today, let’s dive into the captivating world of Agatha Christie with “Murder in Mesopotamia.” Hold on to your detective hats because this one’s a rollercoaster of mystery, suspense, and a dash of archaeological intrigue! 🕵️‍♀️💼

🌟 Plot Summary:
Our story unfolds amidst the ancient ruins of Mesopotamia, where the renowned detective Hercule Poirot finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and murder. The setting alone transports you to a time when mysteries were solved with sharp minds, not just high-tech gadgets. 💡

🤔 Whodunit Vibes:
Christie, as always, keeps us guessing until the very end. Each character has layers, and you’ll find yourself playing detective alongside Poirot, trying to unravel the truth. The twists and turns? Oh, they’re as thrilling as a rollercoaster ride in a darkened amusement park! 🎢🌌

💖 Characters:
Let’s talk characters! They’re so well-crafted; it feels like you’ve known them forever. Whether it’s the enigmatic archaeologist or the mysterious lady with a penchant for drama, each one adds a sprinkle of spice to the murder stew. 🕵️‍♂️🧐

📚 Writing Style:
Agatha’s pen is mightier than any murder weapon! Her prose is elegant, yet gripping, making you turn the pages like a person possessed. The narrative unfolds like a carefully crafted puzzle, and you can’t help but admire the genius behind it all. 📖✨

🌈 The Mesopotamian Atmosphere:
The archaeological backdrop adds a unique flavor to the tale. You can almost smell the dust of ancient civilizations, feel the tension in the air, and envision Poirot gracefully navigating through the ruins like a detective extraordinaire. 🏺🔍

What I Loved

Christie’s plot twists hit like a plot twist in a Bollywood movie – unexpected and utterly delightful! 🎬🤯

The Mesopotamian ambiance felt like a time-traveling vacation with Poirot – talk about a murder mystery destination! 🌍💼

Characters with more layers than an onion – you’ll peel through secrets faster than Poirot unravels mysteries! 🧅🕵️‍♂️

Writing so sharp, it could cut through the suspense like a hot knife through butter – Christie’s pen game is 💯! 🖋️🔍


“Murder in Mesopotamia” is a stellar addition to Agatha Christie’s arsenal of mind-bending mysteries. It’s a must-read for anyone who craves a good ol’ fashioned whodunit with a sprinkle of historical charm. 🕰️📜

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