A Duet of Darkness and Dreams (Book Review)

  • Title: A Duet of Darkness and Dreams
  • Author: L.H. Blake
  • Name of Series: Carnal Sins Series
  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 21 February 2024
  • Publisher: Self Publish
  • POV: 1st Person
  • Rating


When you’re lucky enough to have everything you’ve ever wanted, you might just lose out on what matters the most.

Ambitious college student Isabella Rodriguez wants to be a journalist more than anything. Unfortunately, those misogynistic jerks at her school newspaper refuse to sit up and take her seriously. Never in a million years would she have thought that writing about a metal band would be her foot in the door to achieving her dreams. Of course, it helps when there’s a super sexy drummer in that band willing to give her the inside scoop—even if all they can ever be is friends.

After getting signed to a record label and moving his band to San Francisco, Dave Noblar has finally made it—sort of. Now that he’s here, things aren’t going exactly the way he’d hoped, and he’s not about to let himself be distracted by the beautiful, smart journalism student who’s writing about his band. Especially when his bandmate forbids him from becoming involved with her. Besides, he learned his lesson about love five years ago, and he’s more determined than ever to close off his heart and keep his eyes on the prize.

When Isabella is tasked with tagging along to cover the band’s first national tour, this is the big break both of them need. But her internship stresses staying professional at all times, and her and Dave’s growing feelings for each other could jeopardize everything. So, they need to keep their distance.

Or maybe they’ll find their own rhythm.

A Duet of Darkness and Dreams is a steamy, off-limits friends to lovers romance. It’s a story about letting go of the past, chasing your dreams, and learning to trust your heart. This rockin’ 80s rockstar romance features two dreamers, who despite thinking they have to do everything on their own, just might be the light in each other’s darkness.

⚠️ Triggers⚠️

  • On-page intimate scenes
  • Explicit sex
  • Mature content
  • Intended for mature audiences only (18+)
  • Crude language
  • Explicit sexual scenarios
  • Emotional abuse
  • Threat of self-harm
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholism
  • Driving under the influence (minor character)
  • Trauma from an abusive relationship
  • Death of a minor character
  • Workplace sexual harassment
  • Blackmail
  • Sexism
  • Racism
  • Gaslighting
  • Incarceration.

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Hey there, fellow bookworms! 📚 Before I dive into sharing my thoughts on this book, I just wanna let you know that I got my hands on an e-ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of it. So, while I had the privilege of getting a sneak peek before the official release, the views and opinions I’m about to spill are totally, 100% mine. Yep, you read it right – all the love, excitement, and occasional rants are straight from yours truly. So, let’s get ready to rock and roll with this review! 💥😊loved’

My Igniting Review


“Dreams re forged out of darkness.”

📖 My View

Alright, let’s kick it up a notch, folks! As a journalism student myself, “A Duet of Darkness and Dreams” hit me right in the feels in ways I never saw coming. LH Blake, you’re speaking my language, my friend – and let me tell you, it’s like music to my journalist ears!

This book isn’t just a love story – though trust me, the romance will have you swooning like nobody’s business. No, it’s so much more than that. It’s a powerful exploration of the fears and challenges that come with being a journalist in a world that often feels like it’s stacked against you. From facing down discrimination and skepticism to wrestling with the weight of responsibility and ethical dilemmas, “A Duet of Darkness and Dreams” doesn’t hold back when it comes to shining a light on the struggles we face in pursuit of truth and justice.

This book hit home in ways I never expected. It’s like Blake reached into my soul and pulled out all my hopes, fears, and dreams, weaving them into a story that’s as raw and real as it gets.

What I Loved

First things first, can we talk about how this book is like the ultimate jam session? Seriously, from the moment I cracked it open, I was grooving along, totally immersed in the rhythm and vibe. And Dave and Isabella? Oh man, talk about a dynamic duo! Dave’s got that brooding rockstar vibe down to a T, while Isabella is like a fierce force of nature, determined to break through the glass ceiling of journalism – even if it means facing some serious pushback.

But here’s the thing that really got me: the slow burn romance between these two? It’s like watching a firework show on the Fourth of July – sparks flying left and right, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. And when they finally come together? Whew, let me tell you, it’s like the grand finale of a rock concert – explosive, electrifying, and totally unforgettable!

Plus, can we talk about all the tropes packed into this bad boy? We’re talking friends to lovers, found family, accidental touching – you name it, this book’s got it! And don’t even get me started on the spice level – let’s just say, things get hot and heavy in all the best ways!

But beyond the romance and the rockstar vibes, what really struck a chord with me was the way this book dives deep into some real issues – from workplace discrimination to the struggle for self-acceptance. It’s like LH Blake took a magnifying glass to the human experience and said, “Hey, let’s shine a light on this stuff!”

So yeah, bottom line: “A Duet of Darkness and Dreams” is not just a book – it’s a full-on experience. And as someone who’s always on the lookout for that perfect blend of music and romance, let me just say, this one hits all the right notes. Can’t wait to see what LH Blake has in store next.💡👀


If you’re anything like me – a hopeless romantic with a penchant for swoon-worthy tales and characters who feel like old friends – then “A Duet of Darkness and Dreams” belongs at the tippy-top of your TBR pile! Trust me, darlings, this book is like a warm hug on a chilly night – comforting, captivating, and oh-so satisfying. So grab yourself a cuppa, snuggle up under the covers, and prepare to be whisked away on a literary adventure you won’t soon forget!

or, if you’re a fellow journalism student – or heck, even if you’ve ever dreamed of chasing headlines and uncovering secrets – do yourself a favor and pick up “A Duet of Darkness and Dreams.” Trust me, it’s more than just a book – it’s a rallying cry for all us ink-stained wretches out there, reminding us that our voices matter, our stories matter, and together, we can change the world, one headline at a time. 📰💫

Previously In Series

A Song of Sin and Salvation 

Stay lit & keep turning those pages!

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